1. Decrease your exposure to environmental toxins.

A great resource for learning about ways to decrease your exposure to toxins is by checking out EWG.org.

2. Have a bowel movement daily.

Frequency of bowel movements can be influenced by a number of factors including stress, fiber intake, fluid intake, and movement of the body. Prescription and over the counter medications can also impact how frequently you have a bowel movement.

3. Eat nourishing foods for your body.

Nourishment of the body to me means that when taking in food I am in a restful state and present in the eating experience. For some people certain foods may cause reactions such as runny nose, brain fog, itching, gas, bloating, etc.. Identifying these foods and addressing these sensitivities can be beneficial to allowing the food you are taking in to best nourish your body.

4. Eating foods that are nutrient and phytochemical rich.

Eat the rainbow! See if you can consume 2 servings of fruits or vegetables from each color in the rainbow daily.

5. Reduce stress

Whatever you choose practice: meditation, mindfulness, prayer, journaling, etc….the important thing is you are taking time to relax, let go, and process your emotions and experiences daily. This helps to regularly tell our body and mind that we are safe and helps our nervous system calm down.

Muse and Heartmath are a two of my favorite tools for teaching meditation and mindfulness. There are also many great apps available to help you on your journey.

6. Addressing the root causes of chronic disease

Working with a Functional Medicine practitioner to address the root causes of dis-ease in the body.

7. Reducing inflammation in the body

There are many ways to reduce inflammation. I like to start with identifying the potential sources of inflammation (avoiding or minimizing those) and incorporate anti-inflammatory foods.

8. Regular joyful movement

I prefer to think about joyful movement instead of what is commonly envisioned as “exercise” (ie. being in a gym and “feeling the burn”). Moving our bodies in ways that feel good daily instead of focusing on the calorie burn is more sustainable, enjoyable, realistic, and kind to yourself.

9. Regular restorative sleep

Sleep is one of the most powerful tools you have to optimize your health. Consider a goal of 7-8 hours nightly. Avoid light from screens at least 1 hour prior to bedtime to increase your bodies own melatonin production.

10. Staying hydrated

I like to think beyond just water- organic herbal teas are a beautiful way to stay hydrated and enjoy the flavors and health benefits of herbs. Be sure to consult your pharmacist if you take medications to avoid interactions.

I love working with women to optimize their health so that they can live whole vibrant lives. Check out my services including one:one consults and online classes.

Dr. Amy Sapola helps women prepare for perimenopause by providing online education and resources. 

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